Samantha works with Dr Southwell-Keely providing facial treatments to patients wanting to remove unwanted pigmentation and fine wrinkles. She is trained in dermal therapies that assist facial rejuvenation and both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments.
WHAT IS IT: Fraxel® is a brand name for fractional laser skin rejuvenation. Using the Fraxel ® Dual Laser we are able to target wrinkles, uneven skin tone, crows feet around the eyes as well as induce collagen production to give a ‘lift’ to the skin. The unique dual laser also addresses hyperpigmentation, brightening the skin and removing dark spots.
WHAT IS INVOLVED IN THE PROCEDURE? Firstly you should have a consultation with the doctor or dermal therapist performing the treatment to access whether you are a suitable candidate. Prior to the treatment we often start our patients on a course of medical grade retinol skin care products to ensure maximum efficiency of the laser. On the day of treatment numbing cream is applied to the skin. The treatment itself takes about 15 mins for a mini eye-lift or 45 mins for a whole face resurfacing.
DOES IT HURT? A numbing cream should always be used and at our clinic we also use a cold air machine to reduce the heat felt on the skin. Patients can expect a little discomfort during treatment and during healing. This can be managed with some post treatment balm and a cold compress.
DOWNTIME AND MAINTENANCE? It takes roughly 7 days for all visible signs of the treatment to disappear. Initially, patients say they feel like they have been sunburnt. In a few days, melanin starts to move towards the top layers of the skin where it lifts off with your body’s natural exfoliation process. During this time patients will have a bronzed appearance on the treated areas and are advised to remain indoors as much as possible.
HOW MANY TREATMENTS WILL I NEED? Generally patients receive 2-3 treatments spaced a minimum of 2 weeks apart depending on the desired outcome. Strict UV protection and an excellent medical grade skin care regime will enhance results and maintain a youthful complexion.
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? This varies greatly, depending on the area treated. An eye only treatment can cost between $300-400 and a full-face treatment up to $1,200.
WHAT KIND OF RESULTS CAN I EXPECT? Fractional laser targets aging and sun damaged skin that is lack lustre and losing its youthful volume. The laser safely penetrates to the deeper layers of the skin and stimulates your body’s own natural healing process. This creates new collagen and damaged skin cells are replaced with fresh, glowing healthy skin. Fraxel ® has also had excellent results for treating hyperpigmentation, acne and surgical scars as well as other areas of the body like the neck, arms and back of the hands (handy for removing age spots/ sun spots/ liver spots).
WHAT ARE THE RISKS? As with any cosmetic treatment, finding a qualified and experienced practitioner is the key to excellent results. The mini-eye lift can only be performed by a doctor or nurse that has been trained in this fractional laser technique. Small, protective goggles must be worn at all times as there can be serious damage to the retina if the laser comes in contact with the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate so extreme caution is required. For a full-face treatment it is crucial that strict sun protection and avoiding UV exposure before, during and after treatment is practiced. This is essential in preventing post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a condition that causes excess melanin to come to the surface of the skin giving it a dark, blotchy appearance.
Dr Southwell-Keely’s Clinic has a special discount for online readers, where a full face Fraxel® treatment is $595 per session instead of $1,200. Please call reception on 1300 884 827 to book.