Hi there! It’s Dr Southwell-Keely here. I’m just going to relay a conversation I had with a patient earlier today about when to decide to proceed to facelift or to continue with fillers and other nonsurgical interventions. Well my response is this: Our faces much like the rest of our bodies age with the passage of time and as our bodies age, likewise, as our faces age, we end up with more skin, more tissue than we’d otherwise like. And this accounts for the wrinkles and the grooves that we see as we age.
So what can be done? Well, fillers will expand that excess skin and make things look tight and smooth again but it reaches a point where too much filler makes the face look too big, too round, and unnatural. At which point, you’re better to spillover into a surgical solution.
That’s my tip for the day. I hope this helps. See you soon. Bye now.